Student Age

Design a GUI application that obtains age a student and then display the age of student in 2016 in a label.

Student Data Form

Design a GUI application that obtains age a student and then display the age of student in 2016 in a label.

Add Two Number

Design a GUI application that obtains add two numbers.

Price Calculate

Create a GUI application that asks for some information about a student and displays it in I-card format as shownin the screenshots below:

Arithmatics Operator

Design an application that given a demonstration of all arithmetic operators:

Find Lowest Number

Design an application that obtains three numbers from the user and find lowest and largest of the three numbers.

Move Text

Design a GUI application that allow the user to enter some text in a text field. The application has two push button : Move Text and Clear. When the user click at Move Text Button, The text should move OutputLabel upon Clicking clear button, the text in the text field as well in the OutputLabel should get cleared.

Pay Tax

Design an application that obtains three values in three text fields from user: Hour worked, Pay Rate and Tax Rate. It should then compute and display Payment Amount(Hours Worked * Pay Rate) and Tax Payable (Payment Amount * Tax Rate) in labels. Assume any numeric data typesfor these values. The outlook of application should be as shown below :

Student Result

Develop an application to prepare student result on the basis of marks entered. A sample screenshot is being shown below.


Design a GUI application that obtains the age of a persone and tell whether for person is eligible voter or not.

Boiling Point of Water

Program to obtain boiling point of water from user and report whether the user has entered the correct answer or not.

Date Format

Create an application that obtain day, month and year from the user and display in dd-MON-yyyy format e.g. if user has entered as 13, 04, 2009 as day, month and year then it should display date as 13-APR-2009.

Day In Month

Program to display number of days in a month.

Calculate Discount

Design a GUI application that obtains the price and quantity of an item, calculates the sale-values, discount and net payble amount. Discount is calculated as 10% of the sale-value.

Fixed Deposit

ABC bank has launched its Fixed Deposit Promotional scheme. As per this, for amounts more than Rs. 25000 it offer following rates of interest for its Fixed Deposit accounts: If 7 year time, rate of Interest 7%. 10 Year time, Rate of interest is 8.5%. 15 year time, Rate of interest is 9.5%. and last 20 year of time so Rate of interest is 12.5%.

Grade Calculate

Design a GUI application that obtains the marks and grade. As per this marks to generate the grade.

If Statement

Design a GUI application having interface as shown below:

Calculate Interest

Design a GUI application that obtains principal amount, and time and then calculate simple interest as per following specification : If principal is greater than or more than Rs. 12000, then rate of interest is 6% otherwise it is 5%.


The loop for the frame should print number from lowest to highest on the basic of given two number, upon clicking "CHECK" button.

Calculate Rectangle

Create a GUI application for your Mathematics teacher who has to teach rectangle operations to middle class students. The GUI application should display a menu regarding menu operations and performs an operations according to user’s response. It should be able to carry out the chosen operation for all the rectangles having length <= the given length and having the same breadth as that of the given breadth.(Takes sales of 2.0 mt difference). For example if the user enters 5.5 as length and 6 as breadth and opts for Area operations then the application should be able to calculate area for rectangle with lengths 1.5, 3.5, 5.5 mts respectively and breadth as 6 mts.

Sales Commission

Program to calculate commission for the salesman. The commission is calculated according to following rate: when sales is 30001 onwards so commission rate is 15%, same as 22001 to 30000 commission rate is 10%, 120001 to 22000 so commission rate is 7%, sales 5001 to 12000 commission is 3% and last 0 to 5000 so commission rate is 0%.

Temperature Test

Design an application that can test whether a temperature is freezing or not. It should be able to test the temperature for both Fahrenheit and celsius scales. Use the temperatures 32 F and 0 C as the freezing temperatures.

Movie Ticket Booking

PVR theater people have approached you to design ticketing system for them. Their auditorium has 9 rows, each having 26 seats. They want you to design a GUI application that obtain number of seats a user wants to buy and then allocates seats accordingly. Seats are allocated 101 to 126(for first row), then 201 to 226(for second row) and so on. Seats from a next row can only be sold if previous row has been fully sold out. No seats can be sold beyond seat numbered 926. The design of GUI application should be like the one shown below.

Day Number

Read the Day number and display the weekday.


Design a GUI application having interface as shown below:

College Year

An institute offer MCA cource of duration 3 year. The interface given below is designed to capture the marks sucured by student in the semester exam. Your help is sought to enhance the interface so that it is able to: (a) When user click the button Total, the total marks and the percentage of marks secured by the student should be display text respectively. (b)When the user clicks on the button Report, the final report should be displayed in the label.


Design a GUI application having an interface as shown below: (i)When user click on a button, Label list an image/picture of the that tourist place. (ii)The text Area list the offer details for the selected items.

Booking Theater

Design a GUI application that obtains for Theater booking System.
This application should provides following features:
(i) When user selects different seat type, then its price should be displayed in the seat type panel.
(ii) If the user enters an invalid number of seats, less than 1, then an error message should be displayed.
(iii) When user clicks at the Book Seats buuton the total amount should be display along with payment method, next to the push button.
(iv)Price per seat depend upon the seats type
Stall 625/-, Cicle 750/-, Upper Circle 850/-, Box 1000/-.

Cut Copy Paste

Design a GUI application that obtains Cut, copy and paste text.

Fahrenheit To Celsius

Design a GUI application that obtains the calculate Fahrenheit To Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Feedback Form

Design a GUI application that obtains the Feedback form.

Login Form

Design a GUI application that obtains the login form if login id and password should match so print welcomme else show error.

Text Area Demo

Let up apply of the above-mentioned method practically. Consider the following interface:

Sport Meet

Vijaya has designed a GUI application to gather the data regarding the rank and the prize amounts won by different teams in an anuual sports meet.
Now shoe wishes to make the following change to the apllication she designed:
(a) The text field for rank should be enabled only if the corresponding check box is checked.
(b) The text field for prize amount should be enabled only if the corresponding rank is in the range 1-3.
(c) The contents of the text field should be a non-negative number.
(d) When the user clicks the command button calculate price button, the total prize amount should be displayed in label and all the detail like sport name, rank, prize amount should be appended to text area for each selected sport.
(e) When the user click the Clear button, the form should be restored to the default state.

Gross pay

Design a GUI application that obtains the calculate gross pay and 15% tax should dedacted in gross pay and show net amount.


Design a GUI application that obtains Check survey.

Theater Booking

Design a GUI application that obtains for Theater booking System.
This application should provides following features:
(i) When user selects different seat type, then its price should be displayed in the seat type panel.
(ii) If the user enters an invalid number of seats, less than 1, then an error message should be displayed.
(iii) When user clicks at the Book Seats buuton the total amount should be display along with payment method, next to the push button.
(iv)Price per seat depend upon the seats type
Stall 625/-, Cicle 750/-, Upper Circle 850/-, Box 1000/-.
(v) Show the several images.

TextField Label and Button

Create a new frame and add controls to the form as illustrated below:

List and ComboBox

Design a form, having a listbox, a combo box and two commmand button as shown below:

Solar System

Design a GUI application that list the planets and other constituents of our solar system. Depending upon the selected elements, corresponding fact, image and information should be displayed as per the following screen shot.

Result Search

Design a GUI application that obtains the enter your roll number and show your rank in result.

Daily Meel

Design a GUI application that display food type in a combo box and food pertaining to selected type in a list box. Upon selecting a specific food, its details are displayed in a separate dialog.


Design a GUI application that obtains the details of volunteers for a community work project your school is running.


Program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not.


1. Display all the records from table empl.
2. Display Empno and Ename of all employee from table Empl.
3. Display Ename, Sal and Sal added with Comm from table empl.
4. Write q query to display employee name, salary and department number who are not getting commission from table empl.
5. Write a query to display employee number, name, sal and sal*12 as Annual Salary whose commission is not NULL from table empl.
6. List all department numbers in table empl.
7. List all unique department number in table empl.
8. List the details all clerks who have not been assigned department as yet.
9. List the details of those employee who have four lettered names.
10. List the details of all employee whose annual salary is between 25000-40000.
11. How many job types are offered to employees.
12. List the details of employees who earn more commission than their salaries.
13. Write a query to display the name, job title and salary of employee who do not have manager.
14. Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains ‘A’ as third alphabet.
15. Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains ‘T’ as the last alphabet.
16. Write a query to display the name of employee who is having ‘L’ as any alphabet of the name.


1. Display the name of the student who are getting a grade ‘C’ in either GAME or SUPW.
2. Display the different game offered in the school.
3. Display the SUPW taken up by the student, whose name start with ‘A’.


1. Display the name of the student who have grade ‘C’ in either GAME1 or GAME2 or both.
2. Display the name of the student who have same game for both Game1 and Game2.
3. Display the game taken up by the students, whose name starts with ‘A’.


1. To show all information about the swimming coaches in the club.
2. To list name of all coaches with their date of appointment (DATEOFAPP) in descending order.
3. To display a report, showing coacchname, pay, age and bonus (15% of pay) for all the coaches.


1. Select all the Nonmdedical stream student from STUDENT1.
2. List all name of those student who are in class 12 sorted by Stipends.
3. List all student by AvgMark in descending order.


1. Select all the PROG type published by BPB from library.
2. Display a list of all books with Price more then 130 and sorted by Qty.
3. Display all the books sorted by Price in ascending order.


1. Display a list of all movies with Price over 20 and sorted by Price.
2. Display all the movies sorted by QTY in decreasing order.
3. Display a report listing a movie number, current value and replacement value for each movie in the above table. Calculate the replacement value for all movie as QTY * Price * 1.15.


1. List the names of those students who have obtained Rank 1 sorted by Name.
2. Display a report, listing NAME, STIPEND, SUBJECT and amount of stipend received in a year assuming that the STIPEND is paid every month.

Relation Teacher

1. To show all information about the teacher of history department
2. To list the name of female teacher who are in Hindi Department.
3. To list names of all teacher with their date of joining in ascending order.

String Function


This function return the character for each integer passed.


This function concatenates two strings:


This function converts a strings into lowercase:


This function converts a strings into uppercase:


This function extracts a substring from a given string:


This function remove leading space from the left of given string:


This function remove leading space from the right of given string:


This function remove leading and trailing spaces from a given string. It performs combined function of LTRIM() and RTRIM():


This function searches for given second string into the given first string:


This function length of given string in bytes:


This function return the leftmost number of characters as specified:


This function return the rightmost number of characters as specified:


This function return a substring starting from the specified position:

Numeric Function


This function return modulus (remainder) of given two numbers


This function return m^n number m raised to the nth power.


This function return a number rounded off as per given specification.


This function return a number sign of given specification.


This function return a number square root of given specification.


This function return a number with some digit truncate.

Date and Time Function

Curdate()/ Current_date()

This function return current date.


This function extracts the date part of a date or datetime expression.


This function return a month from the date passed


This function return a yearpart of a date.


This function return a name of weekday.


This function return thedaymonth.


This function return the day week.


This function return the day year.


This function return the current date and time.


This function return the time at which the function executes.


2. SELECT MOD(Age, 5) FROM CLUB where sex = ‘F’;
4. SELECT SubStr(CoachName, 1, 2) FROM CLUB WHERE Datofapp > ‘1998-01-31’;


1. SELECT TRUNCATE(AvgMark) FROM Student1 WHERE AvgMark < 75;
2. SELECT ROUND(AvgMark) FROM Student1 WHERE Grade = ‘B’;
3. SELECT CONCAT(Name, Stream) FROM Student1 WHERE Class = ‘12A’;
4. SELECT RIGHT(Stream,2) FROM Student1;


1. SELECT UPPER(title) FROM Library Where Price < 150;
2. SELECT CONCATE(Author, Type) FROM Library WHERE qty < 3;
3. SELECT MOD(Qty, 4) FROM Library;